Help them cope
with challenges

and break free
from anxiety

Start your FREE online course today

Why Fear-Less Triple P Online makes all the difference

Help your child manage anxiety and become more emotionally resilient - this full toolkit of tips and ideas really works!

  • Get a better understanding of anxiety and fear and what can be done about it.
  • Get a whole range of tools and strategies based on proven principles.
  • Know what to do when your child is anxious or upset.
  • You choose what works for you – adapt to suit your family, your values.
  • Do it on your phone, computer, or tablet.
  • Videos and fun interactive learning.
  • 24/7 online, at your place, at your pace.
  • Track your progress and print your certificate.

Start course now

Is Fear-Less Triple P Online right for my child?

  • Help children develop their own toolkit of coping skills to overcome anxiety.
  • Break the cycle of anxiety and avoidance, in a safe and gradual way.
  • Understand what’s within your control to change.
  • Improve your relationship with your children.
  • Enjoy being a parent more!

Try it out for yourself – start within minutes

Support your child’s coping skills
(and improve yours, too!)

The Fear-Less Triple P Program is part of the Triple P Positive Parenting Program®. Fear-Less isn’t about eliminating fear altogether – sometimes, fear protects us. Instead, it’s about giving your family a toolbox of strategies, skills, and knowledge to manage anxious feelings and stop unnecessary worrying. Fear-Less Triple P is based on extensive research with families of anxious children by clinical psychologists. It can work for you too — and now it’s online!

What will I find in the Fear-Less Triple P Online course?

  • Module 1: Understanding anxiety

    Learn more about anxiety and how it works. Get a better understanding of your child’s anxiety, and set some goals for change.

  • Module 2: Promoting emotional resilience

    Find out how to encourage children to express, tolerate and manage upsetting emotions more effectively.

  • Module 3: Setting a good example & encouraging realistic thinking

    Learn more about flexible and realistic thinking and how it can reduce anxiety. Recognize and change unhelpful ways of thinking, and encourage your children to do this, too.

  • Module 4: Understanding avoidance

    Discover how anxiety and avoidance create a cycle – and how to break it, in a gradual and effective way.

  • Module 5: Responding to children’s anxiety

    Some very common responses parents have to children’s anxiety come with hidden disadvantages. Discover the advantages and disadvantages of various responses, and learn some effective new strategies, too.

  • Module 6: Constructive problem solving & maintaining progress

    Use a step-by-step framework to help children manage their anxiety and become more capable and confident. Review your progress and set goals for the future, and get guidance on how to achieve them.

  • Extra Module: Parenting during COVID-19

    Help to stay calm and positive, even during uncertain times. Feel more confident answering questions and coping with changes. Positive tips and strategies to support you and your family through COVID and beyond.

Want to help your child overcome fear and anxiety?
Do Fear-Less Triple P Online FREE!

Families in Alberta get FREE access for 12 months

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We respect your privacy. We invite you to read our privacy policy.

  • Register now, start in 5 minutes!
  • Scientifically proven effective
  • Track your progress
  • Go at your own pace – full access for 1 yr – totally free

Commonly asked questions

Alberta province government logo

The Alberta Government invests in supporting parents and caregivers throughout Alberta, offering free Triple P programs and services to promote healthy environments and positive experiences during childhood and adolescence. Many organizations throughout the world, including charities, health centers, schools and governments, provide free access to Triple P. They do this because it’s one of the world’s most researched parenting programs. Evidence also shows that investing in the future health and happiness of our children and teenagers benefits the whole community. So doing Triple P Online in Alberta is totally free. And yes, that means the whole course, and no, there’s no catch.

Triple P is one of the few parenting programs in the world with evidence to show it works. There are literally hundreds of trials and studies to show Triple P works for most families, in many different cultures, and in many different family situations. Triple P Online is also the first online parenting program proven to work.

On average, each module in the program usually takes about an hour to complete. Of course, everyone is different, and some people might take a little more or less time.

Some people like to do a whole module in one go. Others like to break it up into smaller chunks. We've found that a module per week works well for most people, as it gives you plenty of time to absorb what you're learning, try out some practical exercises, and start using the skills in your everyday parenting life.

Whether you want to finish your program in a few days, take it slow over a period of weeks or months, and even revisit it later - it's up to you!

Triple P International takes your privacy and data protection very seriously. We have rigorous IT security systems and procedures. We don’t share your information with any third-party marketing organizations or unauthorized personnel. Your email address and region are visible to our administration team. Your progress may be visible to a system administrator in case you need to change your email address. All other family information within the program is anonymized. If you’d like more information, please review our privacy policy.

It's helpful, but not essential. Triple P is used very successfully by single parents. When more than parent, step-parent or carer does the course it helps everyone work as a team to make changes. This includes grandparents and other family members, and even ex-partners, if they also care for your children. It makes it easier to communicate better about parenting, argue and disagree less, and support each other more. If you want both parents to have their own workbook and certificate, you need to request two access codes.

One of the great things about Triple P is that it’s not about telling you what to do in every situation. It’s about helping you feel confident that you can work out what to do. This will be based on what you learn about child development and the strategies you’ve picked up, and your ability to review and refine. So, if your questions about parenting, we suggest you go ahead and do the program! If it’s about something else to do with Triple P, you may want to try contacting us using this website’s contact details, via our social media channels, or through your local Triple P support service.