Triple P courses for parents of teens

Because parents of teenagers all have different needs, Triple P has many different ways to get positive parenting help. From one-off seminars to ongoing courses, you choose what is best for you and your family. It’s about giving you just the right amount of help you need – enough, but not too much!

To find out which Triple P is right for you we suggest you use our quick and easy three-step Triple P Selector. Otherwise, browse the list of short summaries below. 

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A few tips and strategies – in a session with other parents 

Teen Triple P Seminars – positive parenting (of teenagers) in a nutshell 

Join a seminar and in just 90 minutes, you will have a grab-bag of Teen Triple P’s best positive parenting strategies. You will be among parents facing many of the same challenges as you – and you will go home with plenty of ideas (and a tip sheet) to help you deal with the most common ones. There are three seminars: Raising Responsible Teenagers; Raising Competent Teenagers; and Getting Teenagers Connected. Find out more about Teen Triple P Seminars.


Two hours is all you need for a discussion group. In that one session, you’ll get the strategies to help you deal with a particular problem that’s making raising your teenager trickier than you’d like. Teen Triple P Discussion Groups bring together a small group of parents – usually about 12 parents – who are all experiencing the same issue. Each discussion group focuses on one issue only. The topics are: Coping with Teenagers’ Emotions; Getting Teenagers to Cooperate; Reducing Family Conflict; and Building Teenagers’ Survival Skills. Find out more about Teen Triple P Discussion Groups. 

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For a specific problem – one-on-one help 

Primary Care Teen Triple P – for everyday problems with teenagers 

Primary Care Teen Triple P is a very private and quick way to get Triple P support that targets the exact parenting problem or issue you are having. You (and your partner if you wish) will meet with a Triple P provider about four times. You could have more sessions or fewer sessions, depending on what you want and need. Each session usually takes between 15-30 minutes. You’ll go home with tip sheets to remind you of the strategies you’ve chosen in your parenting plan. Find out more about Primary Care Teen Triple P

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Ongoing courses with all the strategies 

Group Teen Triple P – all you want to know about positive parenting of teenagers

Group Teen Triple P is a course that will set you up with the full range of Triple P’s positive parenting strategies, and will help you understand why your teenager behaves the way they do. You’ll be part of a small gathering of parents who meet with a Triple P provider for a minimum of eight hours – usually in two-hour sessions over four or five weeks (although some providers may run longer sessions over fewer weeks). There’s also at-home phone support offered throughout the course. Find out more about Group Teen Triple P.

Standard Teen Triple P – for more serious teen behaviour problems 

Standard Teen Triple P is a personal and thorough way to get Triple P parenting help. You will have 10 face-to-face sessions with a Triple P provider. Sessions range from 40 minutes to one hour. Set your own goals, identify the changes you would like to see in your child or teenager’s behaviour and work with your Triple P provider to choose the strategies that will fit in with your family life. Your workbook will help you remember the strategies – and record your achievements! Find out more about Standard Teen Triple P.

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Get all the Teen Triple P strategies in a fun and easy-to-use six-module online parenting course. Each module only takes around 30-60 minutes and you’ll get a toolbox of strategies for a happier family life. Triple P’s Professor Matt Sanders appears as your virtual provider, to guide you through the mix of video clips, worksheets and activities. You can also sign up for podcast, email and SMS reminders. Find out more about Teen Triple P Online.

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Practical ways to help your teenager (between 12 and 14) manage anxious feelings so they can build confidence, overcome fears, and develop their own coping strategies. Learn about flexible, realistic thinking and be an emotion coach to your child, giving them skills to last a lifetime. You can do the online program, or attend a group or individual session if these are offered in your area. Find out more about Fear-Less Triple P.

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Extra help for serious problems 

Enhanced Triple P – for more serious family problems 

Enhanced is a specialist Triple P program to help you cope with emotional crises and stress, and/or argue less with your partner. Choose from a selection of three mix-and-match modules, doing as much or as little as you need. It all depends on what your concerns are. Enhanced Triple P is always done in private – just your Triple P provider and you – possibly in your own home. Sessions are 90 minutes each. Find out more about Enhanced Triple P.


Natural disasters, such as wildfires, earthquakes and floods can be stressful and emotionally draining for parents and teens. By attending a Disaster Recovery Triple P Seminar, you can learn more about their common social and emotional reactions following a disaster, as well as how to answer their questions and support their resilience and wellbeing. Find out how to avoid common 'parent traps' and get strategies that can help your family to cope and adjust in challenging times. Find out more about Disaster Recovery Triple P Seminar.

Pathways Triple P – keeping families together

Why do you get angry with your teenager and how can you cope better with your anger? That’s what Pathways Triple P can help you resolve. Pathways builds on the positive parenting strategies in other Triple P courses to give you strategies you can use to avoid anger and stress. It is done either in a group or one-to-one with a Triple P provider. Either way, you choose the problems you need help with and the sessions are tailored to suit you. Find out more about Pathways Triple P

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For divorced or separated parents 

Family Transitions Triple P – helping families through divorce or separation 

Family Transitions Triple P is a positive parenting program that helps you protect your teenager from the impact of divorce or separation. Over five weeks, in small group sessions or in personal sessions with your Family Transitions provider, you will explore everything from stress and anger management, to how to communicate better with your ex-partner. Your Family Transitions Triple P provider will give you new ideas about managing the day-to-day dramas and ongoing trauma of your situation. It is not a mediation program, so you attend without your ex-partner. Find out more about Family Transitions Triple P.

If you’d prefer to take the program at your own pace, in your own time, consider Family Transitions Triple P Online. You’ll engage with the same content but from your computer, phone, or tablet, at your own pace. Find out more about Family Transitions Triple P Online.