Here are the best blogs from Triple P – Positive Parenting Program authors and experts. We invite you to share and comment! But remember, our aim is to always support parents with evidence-based parenting information, so we may moderate your post.
Today, kids have many ways to connect with others online. While it can be great to interact with family and friends, there are also downsides, especially with the risks of cyberbullying. read more
Let's talk about something most parents and carers can relate to – chores for kids. Most dream of kids willingly helping with jobs around the home, and maybe even being happy to do… read more
Strong feelings are normal when natural disasters such as wildfires hit. Here’s some tips to help all members of your family cope with the after-effects of disruptive events. read more
When kids argue, fight, bicker, blame or disagree, it can be stressful for parents and carers. Try these parenting tips to calmly reduce rivalry and help them get along better. read more
Bonding with babies is a gradual getting-to-know-you process. What can parents and caregivers do to strengthen the bond? Read these parenting tips. read more
Child care, kindergarten and school are all big milestones for kids. What can parents and carers do to help them adjust? Here are five positive tips. read more
It takes a village – community relationships can help parents and carers feel more connected, calm and confident. They’re good for children, too, enhancing their belonging,… read more
Parenting can feel easier when you’re taking care of yourself. Self-care needn’t be costly or take up much time. You can achieve it in small, realistic steps. read more
There’s no such thing as a perfect parent or child. You can build on your skills to be gentler with yourself – even when it feels overwhelming. read more
We can teach our kids kindness and empathy. Warm, consistent, and supportive relationships encourage them to develop self-confidence, independence, and the ability to manage… read more
Natural disasters and severe weather events can take a heavy emotional toll on kids and families, and recovery takes time, explains Triple P's Miwa Okochi. read more
What is it that makes children test limits and why don't they always follow instructions? Professor Matt Sanders helps shed a little light (and sound) on the subject. read more
Many parents worry about kids’ screen time. There’s one easy way to give children a chance to use their ears, not just their eyes – and it may also improve family relationships and… read more
Want to improve your child’s school results? It can be easy to slip into the habit of frequently asking how their homework is going – which can be perceived as nagging. Instead,… read more
Children and teenagers, like adults, may feel sick, dizzy or 'shaky' when they're anxious. But sometimes they'll struggle to put that into words, and sometimes parents will… read more
If we didn't have any fear at all, ever, we'd disregard real risks like hot stoves and red lights, which would lead to a lot of physical injuries! But often, fears and anxious… read more
During school vacations or holiday periods, children and teenagers can get bored and too much screen time is the result. Triple P's Professor Matt Sanders has some top tips! read more
Children and teenagers may be feeling nervous or worried about technology. Part of learning to cope with emotions such as fear is changing how we think about challenges. read more
As part of learning to regulate emotions children need to understand when the media are pushing emotional buttons. It’s important all the time, and even more so in times of… read more
Many parents report feeling stressed and overwhelmed right now, which is why Triple P have just released a new free guide to healthy relationships and managing conflict. read more
Spending too much time staring at a screen isn’t good for any of us, but as Triple P's Dr Alan Ralph explains, our children are especially vulnerable to some hidden dangers. read more
Worried about online predators, unsafe content or cyberbullying? Here are some general positive parenting principles that can help, from Triple P's Matt Sanders. read more
Some children demand expensive toys from Santa or parents and whine if gifts aren't what they want. Triple P's Professor Matt Sanders has tips for parents to help teach kids… read more
Time-out is a victim of its own success, but that's all the more reason to look at the evidence, learn what it is (and isn't) and how and why it works, explains Prof Matt Sanders read more
Creating a positive learning environment is about strengthening relationships and building skills, and that's crucial not just for babies but older kids and even parents. read more
Instead of being at loggerheads, schools & parents can work together to build healthier, happier communities using evidence-based programs, says Triple P's Matt Sanders. read more
When you can see beyond your usual way of looking at your children and what they're doing, you've found the key to change explains Triple P's Terri Williams. read more
When your kids are driving you mad, it's tempting to only focus on negative. But the key to change starts with a focus on the relationship, explains Triple P's Terri Williams. read more
Find the middle ground between over-scheduled and missing out when it comes to choosing extra-curricular activities for kids, advises Triple P's Francisca Puga. read more
Thankfully, people's ideas on what a parenting program is all about are beginning to change. But as Triple P's Miwa Okochi explains, some misconceptions still exist. read more
Kids must be protected from bullying, but also need to learn to handle some difficult situations for themselves. Triple P’s Professor Matt Sanders talks about bullying versus… read more
Sometimes what comes naturally to parents doesn't help much, but fortunately there are ways you can learn to see and do things differently, explains Triple P's Terri Williams. read more
Don't know the difference between night terrors and nightmares? Triple P's Dr Matt Sanders explains why one can be scarier for the parent than the child! read more
A Californian father credits Triple P for giving him and his ex-wife the confidence to take their son to Disneyland together – without fights, stress or behaviour issues. read more
We all know we should be limiting screen time for kids (& adults), but what about increasing nature time? Triple P founder Matt Sanders has some key insights & great ideas! read more
It's important to have realistic expectations of your children, yourself and others. But what's that mean for parents wondering if they're too hard or too easy on their kids? read more
Are you so busy being a responsible parent that you've forgotten how to have fun with your kids? Check out these tips from Triple P's Francisca Puga. read more
It may just look like having fun, but for children, play is serious work and is vital to proper cognitive development. Triple P's Francisca Puga explains. read more
As a parent of a teen, it's easy to fall into the habit of doing a lot of talking and not much listening. Dr Terri Williams explains why and how you can turn that around. read more
It's good to encourage a child's potential for achievement, building empathy is also a key parenting task, explains Triple P's Dr Matt Sanders. read more
Caught up in day-to-day stress & missing the long term view? Balance between work & home can start with a few small changes, says Triple P's Miwa Okochi. read more
Many parents aren't aware their child or teenager is very different outside the home, so how do you know if this could be you? Dr Terri Williams has some tips. read more
Parenting, especially with teenagers, can create conflict in relationships. But Triple P's Alan Ralph offers insights into what's going on – and how to start fixing it. read more
Many parents don't know the value of simple conversation with their children. Triple P's Matt Sanders explains how talking lays the groundwork for academic achievement. read more
We all know the benefits of exercise, but here's one you may have overlooked! Parents spending time with kids, and getting active, is good for everyone. read more
Rather than putting laundry (and cooking) into the too-hard-basket, it's crucial to teach teenagers these key life skills if you haven't already. read more
Parents, grandparents & carers often argue over child-rearing, what's allowed and what's not. But better communication helps stop "he-said, she-said" conflict. read more
Kids asking the other parent when they've already been told they're not allowed to? Dr Terri Williams explains how using the ping-pong effect helps everyone keep their cool. read more
There's no one-size-fits-all answer to the question of whether or not teenagers should get a part-time job, but Triple P's Dr Alan Ralph has some key tips. read more
There'll always be those who don't understand the point of programs like Triple P, but families need real solutions, not platitudes, as Prof Matt Sanders explains. read more
Your teenager may see vaping as harmless fun, but as Triple P's Alan Ralph explains, there could be more to it than meets the eye – and the lungs. read more
Triple P's Miwa Okochi has some tips on parenting teamwork for busy families, because even dads themselves don't always understand the importance of their role. read more
Setting rules about phone use when kids are young can save a lot of angst down the track. Triple P's Dr Terri L. Williams explains why, and how. read more
It's easy to find articles about what's the 'perfect' age to be a parent, but the real key is to figure out what works for you, says Triple P's Prof Matt Sanders. read more
It's natural for parents to want their child to do well in exams and achieve life goals, but too much pressure is counterproductive, Triple P's Miwa Okochi explains. read more
It's all too easy for phones and social media to create risky mix for teenagers, but Dr Terri L Williams has some useful guidelines for parents. read more
There used to be a nature versus nurture debate, but now we know more about the interplay between the two, the importance of parenting shouldn't be underestimated. read more
It's not realistic to think parenting will always be easy or enjoyable, but as Triple P's Miwa Okochi explains, being realistic can actually make you happier. read more
Stress and the pace of modern life can create stress for teens and parents, but Teen Triple P's Dr Alan Ralph has some great tips for families. read more
Part 2 of Dr Terri Williams's blog looks at other aspects of mealtime battles & offers some new ways of looking at, & dealing with, refusal to eat certain foods. read more
Many parents find it hard to adjust their communication style as their child enters the tween and teen years, which causes unnecessary friction. Teen Triple P author Dr Alan Ralph… read more
Research shows that where one parent is a shift-worker, in the armed forces or absent for long periods, families may face particular problems, but there are solutions. read more
When it comes to kids and eating, should you lay down the law or let 'em run wild? Neither, explains Triple P's Dr Terri Williams in her inaugural parent blog! read more
As teenagers grow up and venture out, making the best use of both technology and communication helps everyone avoid problems, explains Dr Alan Ralph. read more
Parents of teens might think "my work here is done". But as Dr Alan Ralph explains, updating your parenting skills helps adolescents avoid risks and be their best. read more
Feeling pressure to be the perfect parent? Trends and fads come and go, but love, care and affection for our kids will never go out of style. read more
Talking with teenagers can be difficult if they speak in monosyllables, but Teen Triple P author Dr Alan Ralph 's tips can help get the conversation flowing. read more
Helicopter parenting has nothing to do with aircraft: it's a term used to describe hovering over kids and over-protecting them. There are better ways to help kids, explains Triple… read more
Spreading the word about support available to parents helps create a ripple effect to build healthier happier communities, explains Triple P founder Matt Sanders. read more
Many parents stress about choosing the right school, but even a perfect education system's no substitute for parenting skills that allow kids to be their very best. read more
Triple P America has been invited to showcase the Triple P – Positive Parenting Program at the White House today as part of the President’s My Brother’s Keeper (MBK) Initiative. read more
Triple P's Prof Matt Sanders explains why parenting education is like teaching young people to drive, reducing problems and increasing benefits for everyone. read more
An extensive European trial has shown that incorporating Triple P into a home visiting program can reduce inequality, by improving children’s cognitive development, attention… read more
From ancient times to modern, dads play a crucial role in kids' lives, but more support for fathers suffering from anxiety and depression is needed. read more
Managing the teenage years is tricky enough, without the added complication of strained ex-partner relationships. Triple P's Dr Alan Ralph has some important advice. read more
The percentage of single parent families is growing rapidly and they face unique parenting challenges. Triple P's Prof Matt Sanders discusses the issues and offers tips. read more
While the stereotypical teenager communicates in grunts and monosyllables, Triple P's Prof Alan Ralph explains there may be good reasons - and offers ideas on how to open… read more
Many children are scared of everyday situations, but what about when they become full-blown phobias and anxiety? Triple P's Prof Matt Sanders looks at ways to help your kids… read more
Teenagers need even more sleep than we think but they're often getting too little, affecting physical and mental health. Teen Triple P author Assoc Prof Alan Ralph has some top… read more
Frequent conflict is damaging to kids, but parents can learn to discuss contentious topics without damaging their relationship. Triple P helps you understand how. read more
Arguments between parents and teenagers can get out of hand and lead to kids living on the streets. Triple P’s Assoc Prof Alan Ralph explains how better communication can prevent… read more
Prof Matt Sanders of Triple P Positive Parenting explains the importance of how we talk about parenting and other parents - to ourselves, our partners and the wider community. read more
Relationships between mothers and their teenage daughters can be tricky. Triple P's Assoc Professor Alan Ralph has some tips on how to manage. read more
Problems communicating with your child's school teacher? Triple P's Professor Matt Sanders helps you put together an action plan to get things back on track. read more
Tensions between school and home can make parent teacher interviews a high stress situation. Triple P's Professor Matt Sanders explains why keeping calm is important. read more
Teenagers are inclined to want to try new things, but alcohol can be more dangerous than they think. Teen Triple P author Alan Ralph has some tips on how to minimize the risks. read more
A new post-graduate university course in positive parenting in Costa Rica will include the internationally acclaimed Triple P program as a key subject. read more
Kids competing for likes, followers and friends on social media, is leading to stressed and anxious teens. Triple P tips help parents prevent the hurt. read more
Children and toddlers are naturally self-absorbed. Triple P's Matt Sanders explains why and how parents should help kids to learn and develop social emotional skills like sharing. read more
School vacations and bored children seem to go together, and many parents don’t want to just solve the problem with more screen time. Get a Triple P perspective on how to provide… read more
Kids and teenagers hate chores but it's worth persevering. Getting your children to do some jobs around the house builds life and relationship skills. read more
For parents, a child’s difficult behaviour can be worrying and cause problems but there’s no need to struggle on alone – Triple P can help small issues from becoming worse. read more
Parents worry about how to control what their kids do on the internet to keep them safe from bullying, predators, porn and just wasting time. Teen Triple P offers a different… read more
Triple P is flexible and adaptable to different cultures and religions, while still providing evidence-based support proven to work for most families. read more
How do parents stop kids stop sucking their thumb or picking their nose? Careful, you may accidentally make things worse, says Triple P’s Professor Matt Sanders. read more
Homework, hungry children, bath time and bed time – Professor Matt Sanders has some helpful hints for parents tackling the evening rush hour. read more
Matt Sanders’ goal: to develop an effective program to help parents, built on child psychology best practice & continuous improvement, large-scale yet flexible to suit individual… read more
A modified version of Group Triple P which has been run in New Zealand has been successful in encouraging fathers to take part in a parenting program. read more
Parents know they don't want to smack their kids, but may not know what to do instead. If yelling becomes the go-to option for managing behaviour, it can create more problems.… read more
An independent review has found Triple P is one of two evidence-based parenting programs that can help with behaviour problems in children with disabilities. read more
Managing relationships & expectations between children, parents and grandparents is challenging, but doing a parenting program like Triple P can help.
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The Triple P – Positive Parenting Program® has been around for more than thirty years, but there are still many people who use positive parenting as a generic term to mean many… read more
Triple P’s Prof Matt Sanders says how you support your child’s sport can affect their self-esteem and whether they will be a good – or bad – winner.
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Rather than wasting time feeling guilty or anxious, if parents can learn to enjoy and make the most of the time they spend with their kids, everyone will benefit. Triple P’s… read more
A new study finds dads really want to learn to help their kids become successful adults. Moms and Dads can be on the same team with the Triple P positive parenting program. read more
Tackling tantrums can be challenging, but you can use them as an opportunity to model and teach important life skills to your child. Triple P can help. read more
Your child is biting others, and you’re horrified. Why do some kids bite, and what can you do about it? Triple P Positive Parenting can help. read more
Gratuitous parenting advice shouldn’t be confused with evidence-based programs offering skills and strategies to help families deal with genuine problems. read more
Managing difficult child behaviour like hitting, kicking or aggression involves teaching social skills. Triple P offers parents new ideas & effective strategies. read more
News about child development should end nurture-nature arguments and help parents learn more about how important good parenting support can be. read more
Parents must meet a child’s need for security, love and safety with their equally important need to learn to regulate their emotions and behave in socially acceptable ways. read more
Research into sibling rivalry is part of an ongoing study into the use of Triple P - Positive Parenting Program to help manage sibling conflict. read more
A small study of 51 parents from Nairobi’s slum areas looked at whether strategies behind Triple P would work in a highly disadvantaged setting. read more