Triple P is one of the few parenting programs in the world based on evidence and research about what works. There are more than four decades of ongoing international research behind Triple P, and the body of scientific evidence just keeps growing.
There are now more than 340 evaluation papers, including 174 randomized controlled trials, that show Triple P can work for most families – across different cultures, socio-economic groups and in many different family structures.
Some key findings:
Nowak, C. & Heinrichs, N. (2008). A comprehensive meta-analysis of Triple P - Positive Parenting Program using hierarchical linear modeling: Effectiveness and moderating variables. Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review, 11, 114-144.
Sanders, M.R., Ralph, A., Sofronoff, K., Gardiner, P., Thompson, R., Dwyer, S., & Bidwell, K. (2008). Every Family: A population approach to reducing behavioral and emotional problems in children making the transition to school. Journal of Primary Prevention, 29, 197-222.
Sanders, M.R., Ralph, A., Sofronoff, K., Gardiner, P., Thompson, R., Dwyer, S., & Bidwell, K. (2008). Every Family: A population approach to reducing behavioral and emotional problems in children making the transition to school. Journal of Primary Prevention, 29, 197-222.
Sanders, M. R., Kirby, J. N., Tellegen, C. L., Day, J. J. (2014). The Triple P-Positive Parenting Program: A systematic review and meta-analysis of a multi-level system of parenting support. Clinical Psychology Review, 34 (4), 337-357 (This was a systematic review and meta-analysis of over a hundred studies covering more than 16,000 families.)
Prinz, R.J., Sanders, M.R., Shapiro, C.J., Whitaker, D.J., & Lutzker, J.R. (2009). Population-based prevention of child maltreatment: The U.S. Triple P system population trial. Prevention Science, 10(1), 1-12.
Effects of parent management training programs on disruptive behavior for children with a developmental disability: A meta-analysis. (2015) Skotarczak, L. & Lee, G.K. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 38, 272-87.
Whittingham, K., Sofronoff, K., Sheffield, J., & Sanders, M.R. (2008). Stepping Stones Triple P: An RCT of a parenting program with parents of a child diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology. 37(4), 469-480
Calam, R., Sanders, M.R., Miller, C., Sadhnani, V., & Carmont, S. (2008). Can technology and the media help reduce dysfunctional parenting and increase engagement with preventative parenting interventions? Child Maltreatment, 13(4), 347-361.
Triple P has also been tested and shown to be effective in many culturally and ethnically diverse populations around the world, for example with:
UNESCO Child and Family Research Centre evaluation of Triple P in Ireland (funded by The Atlantic Philanthropies). An evaluation of Triple P in the Irish Midlands from 2010—2013. More information is available at the Child and Family Research Ireland website:
Matsumoto, Y., Sofronoff, K. & Sanders, M.R. (2007). The efficacy and acceptability of the Triple P-Positive Parenting Program with Japanese parents. Behaviour Change, 24(4), 205-218.
Bodenmann, G., Cina, A., Ledermann, T. & Sanders, M.R. (2008). The efficacy of the Triple P-Positive Parenting Program in improving parenting and child behaviour: A comparison with two other treatment conditions. Behavior Research and Therapy, 46(4), 411-427.
Leung, C., Sanders, M.R., Ip, F., & Lau, J. (2006). Implementation of Triple P – Positive Parenting Program in Hong Kong: Predictors of program completion and clinical outcomes. Journal of Children’s Services, 1(2), 4-17.
Leung, C., Sanders, M.R., Leung, S., Mak, R. & Lau, J. (2003). An outcome evaluation of the implementation of the Triple P - Positive Parenting Program in Hong Kong. Family Process, 42(4), 531-544.
Turner, K.M.T, Richards, M., and Sanders, M.R. (2007). Randomised clinical trial of a group parent education program for Australian Indigenous families. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 43(6), 429-437.
Tehrani-Doost, M., Shahrivar, Z., Gharaie, J.M., & Alaghband-Rad, J. (2009). Efficacy of positive parenting on improving children’s behavior problems and parenting styles. Iranian Journal of Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology, 14(4), 371-379.
See more details and more research findings at: